Boyan Slat
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CEO and Founder, Boyan Slat, details the design modifications for System 001/B. These upgrades entail two options to speed up the system or slow it down.
Additionally, by taking a modular approach to the design, we can iterate at a much swifter speed and adjust the technology as we learn more. All with the aim of reaching proof of technology and commencing cleanup of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch as soon as possible. -
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The Ocean Cleanup launched the world’s first cleanup system on September 8, from San Francisco Bay. Re-watch the launch.
The world's first ocean cleanup system is Dutch.
Tomorrow, we'll be sharing its name. -
14 days since the Pacific Trials began.
While the test plan is a little behind schedule, the engineering team has not yet seen any unexpected issues and aims to conduct the final tests this weekend.