Foundation details
Foundation name: Stichting The Ocean Cleanup
Chamber of Commerce number (KvK): 57262632
RSIN fiscal number (Dutch tax file number): NL8525.06.429B01
The work of Stichting The Ocean Cleanup is organized into the following legal entities:
- The Ocean Cleanup Technologies B.V. Delft, The Netherlands
- The Ocean Cleanup Operations B.V. Delft, The Netherlands
- The Ocean Cleanup Interception B.V. Delft, The Netherlands
- The Ocean Cleanup Projects B.V. Delft, The Netherlands
Why do we focus on technology?
Once a technological solution has been invented. You cannot “un-invent” something.
Why are we focusing on the gyres?
Ocean plastic pollution can be found in coastal waters, the open ocean, oceanic accumulation zones (gyres), coastlines and the seabed. Rivers and canals are the prime source of oceanic plastic pollution. After entering the oceans, plastic either sinks, beaches or makes its way out to an ocean gyre.
Even if you were to completely close the source, the five ocean garbage patches would still be there – they are persistent. Due to this persistency, plastic in the patches has enough time to fragment into small and dangerous microplastic exacerbating the problem. Even though, by mass, the plastic in the gyres is relatively small (several hundred thousand tons) compared to the global annual plastic input (millions of tons), its long residence time results in a very large impact. Both prevention of plastic and cleaning up the plastic already in these gyres are crucial, but we decided to focus on the gyres first. They are the only true accumulation zones for ocean plastic in the world, and there is a lack of other initiatives in these areas. We believe that a cleanup mission and preventive activities go hand in hand, since a cleanup could bring unprecedented levels of attention to the problem, as well as make ocean plastic visible.

The foundation’s CEO is Boyan Slat, who leads the management team. Together they manage the foundation.
In line with the usual two-tier system in the Netherlands, executive management is separated from the non-executive, supervisory, role. The Supervisory Board can be found on our About page. The members of the Supervisory Board challenge management on major decisions (to which they have to agree before these can be implemented), and perform a role as a sounding board as well.
Remuneration policy
The members of the Supervisory Board are not entitled to any remuneration. They are, however, entitled to ask for reimbursement of reasonable costs (such as travel expenses).
The remuneration policy for employees (including executive management) takes into account that all income comes from donations, and the policy can be characterized as below market rates. Intrinsic motivation to work on this ambitious and meaningful mission is the major factor driving people to join The Ocean Cleanup.
General Purchase Conditions
The General Purchase Conditions Good & Services (October 2017) of The Ocean Cleanup (“GPC”) apply to and are part of all of our requests for quotation, purchase orders and purchase agreements. The applicability of any other terms and conditions is explicitly rejected and superseded by the GCP. Download GPC (pdf).
Postal Address
The Ocean Cleanup
Batavierenstraat 15
4-7th Floor
3014 JH Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Visit our Contact page to get in touch via e-mail