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Interceptor Barrier in Guatemala
Images (4)
System 001 Launch
September 2018Images (12)
Launching System 001 - September 8. Credits: The Ocean Cleanup / Pierre Augier -
Launching System 001 - September 8. Credits: The Ocean Cleanup / Pierre Augier -
Launching System 001 - September 8. Credits: The Ocean Cleanup / Benjamin Von Wong -
Launching System 001 - September 8. Credits: The Ocean Cleanup / Benjamin Von Wong
Illustrations (5)
Video footage (4)
Documents (1)
Info packSystem 001 Info Pack 2018
System 001 Assembly
FEBRUARY-AUGUST 2018Images (17)
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System 001 launched into the Seaplane Lagoon, August 2018 -
System 001 launched into the Seaplane Lagoon, August 2018 -
Stabilizer frames assembled onto System 001, in Seaplane Lagoon, Alameda, August 2018 -
Stabilizer frames assembled onto System 001, in Seaplane Lagoon, Alameda, August 2018 -
Tow test of a 120-meter section of System 001, outside the coast of San Francisco, May-June 2018.
Video footage (4)
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
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Mega Expedition mothership R/V Ocean Starr fully deployed above the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, 2015. -
Sunset aboard one of the 30 Mega Expedition vessels, 2015. -
Mega Expedition mothership R/V Ocean Starr crew pulling a ghost net from the Pacific Ocean, 2015. -
Discarded fishing gear floating in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, 2015. -
A floating debris too large to enter a Manta Trawl, the conventional surface sampling device method, 2015. Credits: Chloé Dubois
Illustrations (10)
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Modeled mass concentration of plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. -
Plastic mass distribution within the Great Pacific Garbage Patch between size (bars) and type (colours) classes. -
Measured mass and numerical concentrations of plastic in the Great pacific Garbage Patch. -
Field monitoring effort. Vessel (grey and dark blue lines) and aircraft tracks (light blue lines) and locations where data on buoyant ocean plastic concentrations were collected (circles) -
Decadal evolution of microplastic concentration in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Video footage (4)
Boyan Slat
Founder and CEOImages (12)
Boyan Slat - The Next Phase - May 11th -
Boyan Slat sits in a floater segment of the first cleanup system on the assembly yard, April 2018. -
Boyan Slat speaking at the Aerial Expedition press event at Moffett Airfield in Mountain View, California on October 3, 2016 -
Boyan Slat at the Aerial Expedition press event at Moffett Airfield in Mountain View, California on October 3, 2016 -
Boyan Slat in a fireside chat with Hege Marie Norheim at the ONS conference in Norway, August 31, 2016. Photo by Morten Berentsen.
The Ocean Cleanup – Computer Renderings
Images (8)
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Boyan Slat at the Seoul Digital Forum, May 20, 2015. -
The Ocean Cleanup computer rendering, aerial view. Credits: Erwin Zwart / The Ocean Cleanup -
The Ocean Cleanup computer rendering, Tow-out. Credits: Erwin Zwart / The Ocean Cleanup -
The Ocean Cleanup computer rendering, close-up. Credits: Erwin Zwart / The Ocean Cleanup -
The Ocean Cleanup computer rendering, system with support vessel. Credits: Erwin Zwart / The Ocean Cleanup
Video footage (1)
Ocean Plastic Research & Sea Life
Images (11)
A bird surrounded by ocean plastic on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. **Photo credits: Matthew Chauvin** -
A young monk seal on Laysan Island holds a plastic fragment in his mouth. Photo credits: Matthew Chauvin -
Bite marks on a plastic bottle in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Photo credits: Kyler Badten / The Ocean Cleanup -
Plastic samples collected during The Ocean Cleanup’s Mega Expedition, 2015. -
Surface sampling ‘Manta Trawl’ in action during The Ocean Cleanup’s Mega Expedition, 2015.
Video footage (2)
New North Sea Prototype
September 2017Images (19)
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Inspection of the North Sea prototype floater, August 2017. -
Inspection of the North Sea prototype floater, August 2017. -
Final assembly of the North Sea prototype, August 2017. -
The North Sea prototype assembled, ready for installation, August 2017. -
The North Sea prototype assembled, ready for installation, August 2017.
Video footage (3)
The Next Phase Event
May 2017Images (27)
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The Ocean Cleanup Announces Pacific Cleanup to Start in 2018 -
The Ocean Cleanup Announces Pacific Cleanup to Start in 2018 Photo: Pierre AUGIER for The OCEAN CLEANUP -
The Ocean Cleanup Announces Pacific Cleanup to Start in 2018 Photo: Pierre AUGIER for The OCEAN CLEANUP -
The Ocean Cleanup Announces Pacific Cleanup to Start in 2018 Photo: Pierre AUGIER for The OCEAN CLEANUP -
The Ocean Cleanup Announces Pacific Cleanup to Start in 2018 Photo: Pierre AUGIER for The OCEAN CLEANUP
Video footage (2)
Research on Plastic Waste Sources
2017Images (6)
Aerial Expedition
October 2016Images (35)
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Aerial Expedition visual survey crew in surveying position (side) -
Ocean Force One's arrival at Moffett Airfield in Mountain View, California -
Lead Oceanographer Laurent Lebreton logging data aboard the Ocean Force One during the Aerial Expedition, 2016. -
Aerial Expedition mission patch -
Aerial Expedition safety training
Video footage (2)
North Sea Prototype
June 2016Images (16)
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Unveiling Prototype in Scheveningen Harbor, June 22, 2016. -
Unveiling Prototype in Scheveningen Harbor, June 22, 2016. -
Sharon Dijksma, Dutch Minister for the Environment, Boyan Slat, CEO and Founder of The Ocean Cleanup and Peter Berdowski, CEO of Boskalis at the unveiling of the North Sea Prototype, June 22, 2016 -
Deployment of cardinal buoys, April 28, 2016 -
The Ocean Cleanup team conducting tests at the North Sea Prototype.